Heart Coherence Generates Our Innate Flow State

“Heart Coherence is the harmonious unity, integration and seamless alignment of our thoughts, intentions and actions as guided by our unique inner knowing for the awakening of our infinite human potential.” JG

Bio-Well Vital Energy and Stress Scan

By merging the ancient wisdom of energy medicine with leading-edge science, Bio-Well GDV technology allows us to see the flow of our Qi energy in real-time. This window into our stress levels, brain hemisphere balance, chakras, meridians, yin and yang balance of our organs, and even the percentage of energy reserves available for healing profoundly shifts our capacity for self empowered healing .

By identifying where energetic blocks are obstructing our flow of qi energy we can enhance our body’s natural ability to heal and thrive; physically, mentally, emotionally and experientially.

The new level of self awareness provided by your scan supports you to feel self empowered to make choices and changes to ensure you are meeting your body’s unique needs on all levels.

Having follow-up scans lets you actually see your progress, ensuring that you remain motivated and focused on what you feel is truly right for you. Experience the transformational power of seeing and flowing your energy.

Single Scan $111
6 Scan Package $555

Bio-Well Customized Sound Healing
Experience the Power of Personalised Sound Healing for Heart Brain Coherence.

Sound healing has the incredible ability to synchronize brain waves inducing deep states of relaxation. It allows greater flow of Qi energy and restores the vibratory frequencies in our cells. Your personal sound healing file is intricately customized using the data collected from your Bio-Well scan. It uses authentic Tibetan Singing Bowls, recorded in Tibet and calibrated specifically to meet your unique bioenergetic needs.

Your body is a symphony of individual vibrations and wavelengths, each telling a story of your health. As you immerse yourself in the soothing sounds, they reverberate through your energy pathways, releasing any stagnant energies and promoting heart-brain coherence. This supports your body’s delicate endocrine balance, activating its natural rest, digest, and heal response. Moreover, the vibrations have a stabilising effect on your cells, helping them return to their natural state of harmony and optimal functionality. This is not a mere quick fix; it marks the beginning of a transformative journey, resetting your body’s baseline and paving the way for newfound wellness.

Although we may not always be consciously aware of the shifts occurring during each session, they actively engage the transformational process within. As the hemispheres of our brain find homeostasis, overthinking dissipates allowing us to tune into our unique intuitive guidance. You will gain greater clarity as the beliefs, thoughts, behaviours and actions that are hindering your physical, mental, emotional, and experiential well-being rise out of the subconscious mind. With every sound healing session, we embark on a new path of personal growth, discovering unseeable solutions, previously hidden possibilities, and transformative opportunities.

As your stress levels decrease and your energy reserves rise, your heart brain coherence leads to uplifting shifts in perspective. Your heart’s unique intuitive intelligence and creativity become a driving force, bringing clarity and transforming everything you bring your focus to. Explore the power of sound healing today.

Choose a Single Session for $155, which includes a Bio-Well Scan and Intuitive Analysis, your Bio-Cor Sound Healing and a USB recording of your sound file for home support. Alternatively, opt for our 4 Sessions package priced at $555, designed to uncover and address any deep-rooted patterns revealed through comparing your first 4 scans. Take this first step towards your holistic well-being.

Core Harmonizer Heart Coherence Meditations, Sessions & Workshops

Experiencing The Inner Magic of Heart Coherence

You are the most wondrous totally unique spark of DIVINE potential!

THERE IS NO OTHER BEING ON THIS PLANET IN THIS MOMENT that contains the seed of genetic change that awaits within your unique DNA! Welcome to the transformative world of Heart Coherence. My uniquely guided approach helps you gently release the ancestral survival fear patterns stored in your biology by bringing you into deeper flow states of Heart Coherence. It is now well scientifically documented that the greater our heart coherence the more influence we have on both our destiny and our DNA.  Unlocking The Infinite Power of Heart Coherence

Thanks to the brilliant leading edge research of The Heart Math Institute, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braydon and modern mystics like Richard Rudd and so many more…it is abundantly clear to anyone with an open mind that Heart Coherence is the key to our personal quantum expansion and human evolution. I highly encourage anyone reading this information to explore the paradigm shifting work of all of the folks above. Liberating yourself to this scientifically evidenced understanding is a GAME CHANGER because it moves our experience of life beyond the limitations of our current constructed reality! Heart Coherence lets us go beyond the stressful patterns of survival based thinking into personal mastery of the innate intuitive clarity and wisdom that lies waiting within every cell to guide us on our unique path through life. As we shift into our heart’s deeper states of calm and inner tranquility we develop greater emotional resilience, self awareness and ease with living our authenticity. Cultivating our Heart Coherence unlocks our unique creative capacity and brings more purpose, freedom, fulfillment and synchronistic flow into every aspect of our lives. 

Self Empowering Your Unique Potential

You are the only one that has the ultimate power to change your life but when you are not in coherence this can feel really challenging! If you feel an inner calling to your greater purpose, if you are sensing there must be more to life than you are currently experiencing, or if you feel stuck in repetitive patterns in relationships, health, or finances cultivating Heart Coherence is the key to your quantum leap. I am here to support you with the tools that have profoundly helped me in developing greater coherence and integrating my unique intuitive gifts, so you can bring your gifts and dreams into reality. Trust that your intuitive wisdom bought you here and that this moment is not a coincidence; it is an invitation to see the guidance and transformational power that is always available to us all whenever we choose our inner knowing with certainty! 

Embarking on Your Journey of Supernatural Possibilities

Heart Coherence helps us trust ourselves enough to know that we know before our mind catches up. Intuition is actually our well honed ability to communicate clearly with our body. It helps our minds stop arguing with life, we let go of what causes us stress and we begin to enjoy life as a magical adventure! As we stretch ourselves our resilience grows along with our awareness of the many self-realizations, synchronicities, and mystical occurrences that are shaping our destiny day by day. Heart Coherence helps us create less dis-ease and more synergy in our body, relationships, and the world around us. Thank you for stopping by and for being here NOW; may you be infinitely blessed on your superhero’s adventure as the dreamer, creator, visionary, and change-maker you were born to become.

Expanding Your Heart Coherence With Core Harmonizer Meditations, Sessions and Workshops

In addition to offering you my intuitively gathered tools and techniques I have been gifted with the opportunity to offer you the very first Core Harmonizer Meditations and Sessions in Australia. The Core Harmonizer is alchemical technology, meaning it combines science and spirituality to create a coherent information field that helps us flow with the pulse of life! It’s field has been tested by K. Melissa Waterman who did the coherence testing for 17 of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Advanced Level Retreats using the BioWell GDV technology which he references in his book Becoming Supernatural. It has also been tested by Amy McTear using HeartMath HRV testing which showed a 15.6% increase in Heart Coherence.

My Heart Coherence Group Meditations, Sessions and Workshops combine my intuitive gifts and tools with the coherent field of the Core Harmonizer to offer you a powerful transformative quantum leap in your coherence. 

I am offering Meditation Sessions and Workshops at intuitively selected heart centred Yoga Studios. Please contact me to find a location near you.

Individual sessions are $155 and include a BioWell Scan plus an intuitive reading of your Gene Keys Profile.

I also offer couples, family and small group sessions, immersions and retreats. Take the first step towards discovering your unique gifts and potential by booking a complimentary session with me, let’s explore how we can liberate your remembrance of who you really are so you can step fully into your self empowered life.

If you are ready to be self empowered, to know your unique intuitive gifts and to meet your full potential embrace the power of NOW and let’s take this transformative journey together!

The Heart Coherence Crusade 2024

2024 is the year of the fire element in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the fire element governs the heart meridian organs and the spirit of fire is called Shen which translates as consciousness or spirit!!!

In this ancient modality they have always know that our hearts are where our consciousness and natural authority arises from. As we peer through the lens of our recent scientific discoveries it is clear from an evolutionary perspective this being a fire element year suggests we are in for a paradigm shifting year.

So what does all of this mean for us individually and collectively?

From my viewpoint this year offers the greatest potential we have seen as a species for transformational change as we each make the individual choice to move into deeper states of heart coherence!

The fire element is the most powerful of the 5 elements and we will all be called and often tested into personal mastery on all levels. This years powerful energy is all about movement, purification and transformation physically, mentally emotionally and evolutionarily! And we are especially asked to expand our capacity for consciously connecting through the wisdom of our hearts. This energy sort of feels like someone lit a fire under us and for many of us, everywhere we have been feeling stuck or half hearted we are suddenly showing up; all fired up and ready to meet our destiny with eyes and hearts wide open!!!

If you are feeling this inner fire and letting it fade into the background of your life is a not negotiable for you, this crusade may be just what you need! ?

In this chaotic world it is so easy to let our our dreams fade away! And yet our dreams are what fire up our passion, make us feel most alive and inspire us to open our hearts and live life as the adventure we came here to experience.

Taking heart centred action towards something that truly lights us up creates a future that reflects our unique core essence, beliefs and deepest values.

I am gathering together a community of like hearted beings who are passionate about bridging the gap between what is and what is possible.

I have discovered something extraordinary that will help us all effortlessly come into greater heart coherence and connect with the higher aspects of our hearts so we can tune into exactly what is needed for our individual and collective growth and expansion at every point on our journey during the immense changes of the coming year.

My invitation to you is to bring your unique genetic hopes, dreams and intentions for 2024 into our gatherings and allow me to help us harness the power of our collective heart coherence to support us in manifesting what we are dreaming of for ourselves, each other and the world around us!

I am offering a series of Heart Coherence Community Gatherings throughout the year for those who feel this call. In these intimate gatherings I will be creating a safe space for us all to explore our vulnerabilities and express our authenticity. Through the year we will create, review, edit and update our intentions so we are keeping pace with the expanding energy of our hearts. My intention is for us to soulfully share our laughter, our tears, our triumphs and whatever else arises for us to breakthrough.

At the end of the year we will look back and celebrate the transformations we have collaboratively birthed!

If your heart feels called please connect with me as I am sharing more on this privately with the community.

I look forward to meeting you and seeing your heart shine!

With infinite love from my heart to yours,


Upcoming Event-Conscious Connections

 March 23rd @ The Meadow Space, Burleigh

Come join my beautiful Soul SiStar Sharma and I for a joyfilled gathering of like hearted life adventurers!!!

Together we will take a deep dive into the healing power of commUNITY! In this supportive space of sacred energy medicine together we will cultivate the power of Conscious Connection to quantum leap our collective and unique individual intuitive genius for living our best life!

Let us support you to love you and thrive!!!

We are putting the finishes touches on the days play so keep watching
The Meadow Space on FB
themeadowspace on Insta

or head to

if you already know that you know that you know this event is for you.

I’m happy to chat with you if you have any curiosities!

Whether you can join us or not remember you are loved! Keep opening your heart to the transformational magical forces of your own inner alchemy. Remember to pause daily to reflect on the source of all things that nourishes your body and provides you with life. Make time and create rituals for immersing yourself in the love that is your natural state to restore harmony to your heart and help you flow with the rhythm of life!.

With love from our hearts to yours 💕

Crystal Island Fiji Nature Immersion Retreats

Escape to Fiji’s Pristine Beauty & Tranquility – Experience the ultimate nature immersion retreat on Crystal Island, a remote secluded private island paradise in Fiji’s Yasawa chain of islands. Leave the stresses of life behind and let the soothing power of nature work its magic on your mind, body, and spirit. This retreat is not about busy schedules or packed itineraries, but rather an opportunity to decompress from doing and reconnect with yourself.

Immerse yourself in the crystal energised clear waters, relax mind and body on the crystal energised sandy beaches, swim among tropical fish on our vibrant coral reefs and stargaze into the otherworldly night sky. Restore, recalibrate, and rediscover inner peace as you bring your magic back to life.

Special Guest Retreats – Embrace Collaboration – I thrive on collaboration! Join me and let’s create something truly magical together! Get in touch to discover upcoming events or to explore new collaborations. Please note that spaces for these exclusive retreats are available by invitation only with limited availability for only 6 guests per retreat, reach out and secure your escape today!

"I was fascinated with the concept of sound healing and when I met Josie then did a sound healing session with her, I was amazed at the results. More importanly, Josie had a unique intuitive sixth sense to tap into many aspect of my life with valuable feedback. I highly recommend her services. A totallly wonderful experience."

– Billy J. Jones

“My session with Josie and the sound healing technology was so relaxing. I felt myself drop so deeply into the music. It's been 2 weeks since my session and I am honestly blown away by the mental and emotional clarity I have. I am excited to receive more. I highly recommend this. Thank you Josie."

– Holly C

“I had the enormous pleasure of spending 2 months with Josie-one month by phone and one month as a live in immersion. Josie's words, wisdom and generosity to share, changed my life. It was intense and I thoroughly enjoyed the vast and wild progression of "learn...accept...let go...repeat". I healed myself deeply on so many levels. I was astonished. The beliefs and emotions I moved through were magical and I discovered a new universe of possibilities and limitlessness. If you want to shift and transcend your current beliefs, I encourage you to engage with Josie. Relax, surrender and allow her other worldly ways wash over you, so you can discover your new self. You won't regret it-I promise. ”

– Bianca Kock. Artist, Maker & World Traveller.


Northern NSW and
Southern QLD

Make an Appointment

For your complimentary consultation please contact me


Wed - Fri: 10am - 5pm
Saturday: 12pm - 4pm