About Me

In 1970 when I was 10 years old I had a near death experience and until the out workings of a high speed collision with a semi trailer in 2019 this was not something I shared with anyone.

The impact of the accident left me with what I can only describe as debilitating PTSD. When I was told by a psychiatrist with 4 professors in front of his name that I would never recover without anti depressants I was shaken to the core. Throughout my career I have supported many clients suffering from the life diminishing side effects of anxiety and depression medication. As his words echoed through me every cell in my being was saying no but at the same time the realisation of how messy I actually was hit me for the first time.  

In that moment I had no idea how that man’s words would catalyse a totally unexpected reality altering life changing transformation.

My name is Josie. I was born in Sydney, Australia and I have had the great joy of being a Wholistic Well-Being Coach for 40+ years.

I was blessed to be born to an inspirational mother who was light years ahead of her time and a grandfather whose mystical insights gave me invaluable tools for navigating life. 

My Mum raised me by the principles of The Natural Health Society. They were the pioneers of wholistic health in the 60’s with the now popular understanding that treating the body, mind and spirit initiates self healing. 

My Pop cultivated my curiosity about the hidden mysteries of life and introduced me to the works of so many great thought leaders like James Allen whose book As A Man Thinketh written in 1904 was based on the also now popular understanding that our thoughts create our reality.

I am eternally appreciative to both my Mum and her Dad for the wealth of health and wisdom I gained from this early education. Their guidance formed the foundation of my own life, my career as a coach and the incredible opportunities and experiences that would otherwise not have been available to me.

My coaching career has allowed me to live in amazing places all over the world and work closely with a rich diversity of people everyone of whom inspired deep personal introspection, contemplation, understanding, compassion and so many insights into our human experience of health, wealth, relationships, dreams and what it takes to create a truly fulfilling life.

So About Me…

I am just me, a life adventurer and seeker of the next best version of me. As a seeker I have explored many modalities for reaching our physical, mental and spiritual potential but I now understand that our potential lives inside everyone of us as a unique spark of possibility.

Since my childhood my friends and even the adults in my life would share their deepest secrets and problems with me because I always seemed to have a natural “sense” of what they needed to solve their challenges. I now understand with certainty that this “sense” is the result of the telepathic gifts I was blessed with by my NDE. 

The technologies I discovered and practises I developed to heal myself from PTSD have also helped me fully integrate my NDE and continue to assist in deepening my connection to the mystical experiences of life.

I consider it a great privilege and honour to offer my support if you are seeking relief from anxiety, over sensitivity, unprocessed grief or trauma or if you would like to explore or integrate any unexplainable mystical experiences, feelings of fear or homesickness or if you are wishing to experience more of your unique untapped mystical potential.



My Mission

I know in my heart that fear is the edge of our known paradigm. It’s where our comfort zone and infinite potential meet at a border that is patrolled by our subconscious survival programming.

Only the brave of heart dare to face the discomfort of our primal fears. My mission is to meet my edges with my heart wide open, authentically live my unique expression and through example inspire others I meet on my path through life to do the same.

If you dare to face your ancestral fears my mission is to support you to see how valuable, appreciated and powerful you are as we all begin to remember how INFINITE our potential is!  

My Vision

I no longer believe that living consciously is merely the path of spiritual seekers! Consciousness is actually essential to our liberation from struggling and suffering! Our inherited survival strategies keep us unconscious and we fail to see the changes we must make to overcome the challenges we all face individually and collectively throughout our lives.

If you understand that we are the change and that to heal and live abundantly we must change I invite you to join me in exploring the leading edge frontier of our human potential. 

My vision is for us to regularly gather both locally and globally and through the collaborative conscious intent of our gatherings create an ever expanding community and grid of support for each other and all whose lives we touch.




Northern NSW and
Southern QLD

Make an Appointment

For your complimentary consultation please contact me


Wed - Fri: 10am - 5pm
Saturday: 12pm - 4pm